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HSK introduction
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HSK Level Ⅲ
2022-03-01 12:09  

The HSK (Level III) assesses test takers’abilities in theapplication of everyday Chinese. It is the counterpart of the Level III oftheChinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languagesandthe B1 Level of theCommon European Framework of Reference (CEF).Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level III) can communicate in Chineseat a basic level in their daily, academic and professional lives. They canmanage most communication in Chinese when travelling in China.

I.Test Target

The HSK (Level III) is intended for students who have studiedChinese for three semesters (one and a half academic years), with 2-3 classhours in each week. These students have mastered 600 commonly used words andrelated grammar patterns. 

II. Test Content

The HSK (Level III) test is made up of listening comprehension,reading comprehension and writing sections and contains a total of 80 items. 


Number of Items 

Duration (Min) 

I. Listening 

Part I 



Approximately 35 

Part II 


Part III 


Part IV 


Filling out the answer sheet(Mark your answers for listening comprehension on Answer Sheet) 

II. Reading 

Part I 




Part II 


Part III 


III. Writing 

Part I 



Part II 



Approximately 85 

The test will last for 90 minutes in total (including 5 minutes inwhich the test takers fill in personal information). 

1. Listening Comprehension

There are 10 items in Part I. The recording of each item will beplayed twice. For each item, a dialogue and several pictures will be provided.The test takers should select corresponding pictures based on what they hear. 

There are 10 items in Part II. The recording of each item will beplayed twice. For each item, a short passage will be read out, followed by anassertion, which also appears on the paper. The test taker should decidewhether the assertion made is true or false. 

There are 10 items in Part III. The recording of each item will beplayed twice. Each item consists of a dialogue between two persons. A thirdperson will then ask a question about the dialogue. There will be threepossible answers on the test paper, from which the test takers can select thebest answer based on what they hear. 

There are 10 items in Part IV. The recording of each item will beplayed twice. Each item consists of a 4-5 sentence dialogue between twopersons. A third person will then ask a question based on the dialogue. Therewill be three possible answers on the test paper, from which the test takerscan choose best answer based on what they hear. 

2. Reading Comprehension

There are 10 items in Part I. In this section, 20 sentences willbe provided and the test taker will be asked to correlate them. 

There are 10 items in Part II. For each item, one or two sentenceswill be provided, in which one word/phrase is missing. The test taker shouldchoose one of the suggested words/phrases to fill in the blank. 

There are 10 items in Part III. This part consists of 10 shortpassages, each followed by a question. The test taker should choose the bestanswer from the 3 choices provided. 

3. Writing

There are 5 items in Part I. Each item lists several words. Thetest taker should construct a sentence using the words provided. 

There are 5 items in Part II. Each item provides a sentence withseveral blanks. The test taker should fill in the blanks with the appropriatecharacters. 

III. Results Certificate

For the HSK (Level III), four results will be provided includinglistening, reading, writing and the total. The test taker must score at least180 points to be considered passing. 

Max Score 

Your Score 









As a Chinese language certificate for foreign students’entry into Chinesecolleges, the results of the HSK are valid for two years (beginning from thetest date). 

Note: The aboveinformation is from the www.chinesetest.cn. 

附件【Sample test papers and references for HSK LevelⅢ.pdf已下载
附件【level-3 Audio Material.wma已下载

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